Home 2017 October

Monthly Archives: October 2017

Antakya food

Antakya through the kitchen doorCombining modern multiculturalism with ancient history, Antakya`s diverse cuisine is unique synthesis of the tastes of the Mediterranean, the middle east and Anatolia.We decide to discover this city (ancient Antioch),...

Indispensable cheese

Atilla Dogudan Chef of ChefsTips from the President of Do & Co.Why is cheese indispensable?Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don`t feel like eating that particular food at that particular...

Turkey Eastern women

What would you like to say about the overall character of eastern and western women based on what you`ve observed?Eastern women appear charming, quiet and submissive. But, as I`ve said in every book I`ve...

Design Capability

Where is Turkey in this trend? Where do we stand in terms of design capability?While a production-weary world is being rocked by a series of crises and the top players are changing places with...

Setna Tbubui

Setna said to Tbubui, “Let us accomplish now that for which I came.” She said to him, “Thou shalt arrive at thy house, that where thou art. However, for me, I am a hierodule;...


