Setna Tbubui


    Setna said to Tbubui, “Let us accomplish now that for which I came.” She said to him, “Thou shalt arrive at thy house, that where thou art. However, for me, I am a hierodule; I am no mean person. If thou desires to have thy pleasure of me, thou wilt cause thy children to subscribe to my writing that they may not Krrk a quarrel with my children on the subject of thy possessions.” Setna had his children fetched and made them subscribe to the writ It`K. Setna said to Tbubui, “Let me now accomplish that for which I came.”

    She said to him, “Thou shalt arrive at thy house, that where lltnu art. But for me, I am a hierodule; I am no mean person. If thou IIONI desire to have thy pleasure of me, thou shall cause thy children to lia minin, so that they may not seek a quarrel with my children on ftl`roiint of thy possessions.” Setna said, “Let the crime be committed Itll I hem of which the desire has entered thy heart.” She caused the Cllillireii of Setna to be slain before him, she had them thrown out low llie window, to the dogs and cats, and they ate their flesh, and heard them while he was drinking with Tbubui.

    Dome into this chamber

    Setna said to UIMII, “Let us accomplish that for which we have come here, for dial lliou hast said before me has been done for thee.” She said to, “Dome into this chamber.” Setna entered the chamber; he lay li on a bed of ivory and ebony, in order that his love might be rewarded, and Tbubui lay down by the side of Setna. He stretched out his hand to touch her; she opened her mouth widely and uttered a loud cry.

    When Setna came to himself, he was in a place of a furnace without any clothing on his back. After an hour Setna perceived a very big man standing on a platform, with quite a number of attendants beneath his feet, for he had the semblance of a Pharaoh. Setna was about to raise himself but he could not arise for shame, for he had no clothing on his back. This Pharaoh said, “Setna, what is the state in which you are?” He said, “It is Na.nefer.ka.ptah who has had all this done to me.”

    This Pharaoh said, “Go to Memphis; thy children, “lo they wish for thee Lo” they are standing before Pharaoh.” Setna space before this Pharaoh, “My great lord the king—mays thou have the duration of Ra—how can I arrive at Memphis, for I have no raiment in the world on my back?” This Pharaoh called a page who was standing near him and commanded him to give a garment to Setna. This Pharaoh said, “Setna, go to Memphis. Thy children, behold they live, behold they are standing before the king.”

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