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John of Damascus part 22

Distinct from the admission of images is the question of the way they are treated. What signs of reverence, if any, did the first...

John of Damascus part 21

People prayed with extended arms to represent a cross (Origen, “Hom. in Exod.”, iii, 3, Tertullian, “de Orat.”, 14). So also to make the...

John of Damascus part 20

Although representations of the Crucifixion do not occur till later, the cross, as the symbol of Christianity, dates from the very beginning. Justin Martyr...

John of Damascus part 19

We notice, however, in the first centuries a certain reluctance to express the pain and humiliation of the Passion of Christ. Whether to spare...

John of Damascus part 18

The famous statue of the Good Shepherd in the Lateran Museum was made as early as the beginning of the third century, the statues...

John of Damascus part 17

The old pagan sarcophagi had been carved with figures of gods, garlands of flowers, and symbolic ornament; pagan cemeteries, rooms, and temples had been...

John of Damascus part 16

At Palmyra is a Jewish funeral chamber painted throughout with winged female figures holding up round portraits, above is a picture, quite in the...

John of Damascus part 15

So also in “De bello Jud.”, 1. l, c. xxxiii (xxi), 2, he says: “It is unlawful to have in thetemple images or pictures...

John of Damascus part 14

The many cases of idolatry and various deflections from the Law which the prophets denounce are not, of course, cases in point. It is...

John of Damascus part 13

Among the several works that are dubiously attributed to John Damascene the most important is the romance entitled “Barlaam and Josaphat”. Throughout the Middle...



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