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Sophistication – Sherwood Anderson (1876-1940)
Sherwood Anderson was born at Clyde, Ohio, in 1876. Though he had written stories before, it was not until 1916 that he published his first book, Windy McPherson’s Son. Anderson’s short stories particularly those in the volume Winesburg, Ohio are about as different from the suavely clever products of Harte and O. Henry as anything could be. They are concerned first and last with human beings: plot and technique in short, the framework are almost entirely disregarded in an effort to present what appears to the writer as the truth.

Sophistication is reprinted from Winesburg, Ohio. Copyright by Jonathan Cape, by whose permission it is here used.
It was early evening of a day in the late fall, and the Winesburg County Fair had brought crowds of country people into town. The day had been clear and the night came on warm and pleasant. On the Trunion Pike, where the road after it left town stretched away between berry fields now covered with dry brown leaves, the dust from passing wagons arose in clouds. Children, curled into little balls, slept on the straw scattered on wagon beds. Their hair was full of dust and their fingers black and sticky. The dust rolled away over the fields and the departing sun set it ablaze with colors.

In the main street of Winesburg crowds filled the stores and the sidewalks. Night came on, horses whinnied, the clerks in the stores ran madly about, children became lost and cried lustily, an American town worked terribly at the task of amusing itself.

Pushing his way through the crowds in Main Street, young George Willard concealed himself in the stairway leading to Doctor Reefy’s office and looked at the people. With feverish eyes he watched the faces drifting past under the store lights. Thoughts kept coming into his head and he did not want to think. He stamped impatiently on the wooden steps and looked sharply about. “Well, is she going to stay with him all day? Have I done all this waiting for nothing?” he muttered.

Sophistication part 7

In Winesburg the crowded day had run itself out into the long night of the late fall. Farm horses jogged away along lonely country...

Sophistication part 6

Come on, he said and took hold of her hand. With hanging heaul they walked away along the street under the trees. Dry leaves...

Sophistication part 5

Ordinarily George Willard would have been intensely interested in the boasting of Moyer, the horseman. Now it made him angry. He turned and hurried...

Sophistication part 4

The confused boy put his hand on the girl`s arm. His voice trembled. The two started to walk back along the road toward town....

Sophistication part 3

As for Helen White, she also had come to a period of change. What George felt, she in her young woman`s way felt also....

Sophistication part 2

There is a time in the life of every boy when he for the first time takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that...

Sophistication part 1

Sherwood Anderson (1876-1940)Sherwood Anderson was born at Clyde, Ohio, in 1876. Though he had written stories before, it was not until 1916 that he...

Norman West part 1


Van Lake